5 Ways You Can Help The Black Lives Matter Movement

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5 Ways You Can Help The Black Lives Matter Movement

Join a protest

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Joining a protest is the simplest way to show your opinion. Join those that believe in a peaceful and safe world to live in protest, make signs and join a movement.

Before doing that make sure you’re aware of all your rights and the equipment you’ll need to stay safe.

Do not join a group of protesters that are not abiding by the law. Wear a face mask and bring plenty of hand sanitizer.


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Donating is a great way to help the black community. You can donate to your favorite charity that loves to help people of color contribute to some popular funds.

Black Lives Matter Funding

Reclaim The Block

Black-Owned Restaurant Relief Fund

There are several other funds that may not be as popular but just as effective do your research and find the right group for you.

Support black business owners

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If you’ve already donated to a cause that helps black owners that’s great, you can also try going into restaurants and other stores that will help benefit those that need the support.


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Chipping in and do more for others is the key to a good volunteer. You can become a part of the people that do more for those of colors giving away a few of your hours to jump into places that allow you to volunteer as a good effort to help.

Educate yourself

Becoming more aware of what you can do not only to help those of color, but protect yourself during these times is the best thing to do.

Some have taken a oath to not only become more aware of what they can do to help the black lives matter movement.

They’ve decided to not to help the police the department and potentially attempt to de-fund them.p mvmvcmkc vccc g-jhu-uhh

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