All He Wanted Was One Last Smoke And Sunset

A group of nurses defied their hospital’s regulations and granted a dying man his final requests: to smoke a cigarette while sipping white wine and watching the sunset. Agroup of nurses broke the hospital’s regulations and granted a dying man his final requests: to smoke a cigarette while sipping white wine and watching the sunset.
Carsten Flemming Hansen was admitted to Aarhus University Hospital last week where it was discovered he had internal bleeding and was too sick for surgery, according to the hospital’s Facebook page.
“It was a very cosy and relaxed atmosphere,” said nurse Rikke Kvist. “Of course there were relatives also affected by the fact he was going to die, and they were sad,” she explained in a Facebook post the staff shared. The Facebook post quickly went viral. It’s received more than 70,000 likes, and folks left more than 2,600 comments.
The rules were no smoking on the hospital grounds but the nurses wanted to grant him of his dying wish so they rolled his bed out on the balcony that had a view of a beautiful pink and orange sunset. He enjoyed a cigarette and a glass of cold white wine while surrounded by friends and family. In the post, the medical staff said the nurses who worked on Hansen and his family decided that his last wishes were more important than treatment, prevention, and smoking rules.
Sadly, Hansen passed away last Friday
These nurses did the right thing, they showed a lot of compassion for a dying man and I’m sure letting him live out his last wish helped comfort the family on his passing.