Ryan Reynolds joins many of the other celebrities in telling people to stay home to try and slow the spread of the coronavirus. And, of course, he had to joke around a little bit.
Another important message from an important celebrity. Let’s spread the word not the virus. I happily nominate, @stevenpage @Sethrogen and @TerryR49776917 #PlankTheCurve #StayAtHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/IRJNI9Y6G9
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) March 23, 2020
Ryan started his video message by saying that it was important to “work together to flatten the curve” and fight off Covid-19.
The actor threw some shade at celebrities too. “I think in times of crisis, we all know that it’s the celebrities we count on most,” he said. “They’re the ones that are going to get us through this.”
“Right after health care workers, of course,” he continued. “First responders. People who work in essential services. Ping pong players. Mannequins, they’re great. Childhood imaginary friends, sure. Like 400 other types of people.”
After joking around, Reynolds advised people to stay at home and wash their hands.
“Look, stay at home, practice social distancing, wash your hands,” he finished. “We are gonna get through this thing. We’re gonna get through this thing together.”