Target Is Selling The Most Festive Holiday Camper Gingerbread Kit

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Target Is Selling The Most Festive Holiday Camper Gingerbread Kit

Gingerbread houses are cool and everything, but for those of us who spend all their time traveling, a gingerbread camper makes way more sense. Building a gingerbread house has always been a fun activity for families to get together and make some holiday-filled memories.

Target Is Selling The Most Festive Holiday Camper Gingerbread Kit 455381368

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Target is now selling a camper gingerbread kit that features a camper — so cool! The Holiday Camper Gingerbread Kit is priced at $10 and comes with a cardboard Santa sipping some hot cocoa, a picnic table with a Christmas tree and even a grill.

Like your typical gingerbread kit, this camper kit comes complete with gingerbread cookies, icing, and plenty of candies for decorating.

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