Ukrainians have been suffering from Russian aggression for weeks. The invaders are using all their military power to destroy Ukrainian cities and towns. Hundreds of civilians have already been killed because of the regular missile attacks of Russian aviation and artillery. More than 1.5 million people left the country becoming refugees.

The world provides strong financial, military, and humanitarian aid Ukraine needs so much. Listed below are some ways that you can also make your contribution to support Ukraine against Russian aggression.
Humanitarian Aid Ukraine

UNICEF is raising funds to support children in Ukraine. Currently, the organization requires money to buy 2 large first aid kits and medicines for health workers. If you’d like to donate to this initiative, click here.

The foreign aid to Ukraine is also collected via a WithUkraine platform. It was established by the Ukrainian Embassy to consolidate international efforts in raising financial aid to Ukraine. You can join this initiative here.
Support the Ukrainian Army

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine accepts donations for logistical and material support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. If you are willing to support the Ukraine army, please send your aid here.

Ukraine charity organization Come Back Alive funds purely defensive initiatives like the purchase of thermal scopes, reconnaissance drones, and tablets containing “Armor” artillery calculation software. To donate funds to the charity fund Come Back Alive, click here.