Vegas Is Set To Overtake Amsterdam As The Capital Of Marijuana

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Sin city welcomes weed, and hundreds line up at midnight to celebrate the legalization.

Vegas Is Set To Overtake Amsterdam As The Capital Of Marijuana 647354765

At midnight Saturday, Nevada became the 9th legalized state. More than 500 weed lovers rejoiced by flocking to the doors at Euphoria Wellness to purchase their strain of choice.

Vegas Is Set To Overtake Amsterdam As The Capital Of Marijuana 151252583

It is said that Vegas will become the “mecca of marijuana” overtaking Amsterdam.

Vegas Is Set To Overtake Amsterdam As The Capital Of Marijuana 314133014

Other legal states are: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, and Washington DC.

Vegas Is Set To Overtake Amsterdam As The Capital Of Marijuana 50729110

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